This guide provides an in-depth look at configuring and using the PumpFundlerSDK for advanced Solana project development. We’ll cover detailed explanations of each configuration option, initialization, core functionalities, and advanced integrations.

PumpFundlerConfig Interface

The core of the SDK configuration is the PumpFundlerConfig interface:

interface PumpFundlerConfig {
  connection: Connection;
  commitmentLevel: Commitment;
  blockEngineUrl: string;

Let’s break down each property and explore its significance:

SDK Initialization

Here’s how to initialize the SDK with full configuration:

import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
import { PumpFundlerSDK, PumpFundlerConfig } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

// Initialize connection
const connection = new Connection("", "confirmed");

// Create a wallet (for demonstration purposes, use proper key management in production)
const wallet = new Wallet(Keypair.generate());

// Configure the SDK
const config: PumpFundlerConfig = {
  commitmentLevel: "confirmed",
  blockEngineUrl: "",

// Create the Anchor provider
const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, {
  preflightCommitment: "processed",
  commitment: "confirmed",

// Initialize the SDK
const sdk = new PumpFundlerSDK(provider, config);

Advanced Usage Scenarios

1. Creating a Token with Initial Buyers

This example demonstrates creating a new token and executing initial buy orders, including optional Jito integration:

import { Keypair, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { PumpFundlerSDK, CreateTokenMetadata } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function createTokenWithInitialBuyers(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK) {
  // Generate keypairs for demonstration (use secure key management in production)
  const creator = Keypair.generate();
  const mint = Keypair.generate();
  const buyers = [
  // Prepare token metadata
  const metadata: CreateTokenMetadata = {
    name: "PumpFundler Token",
    symbol: "PFDLR",
    description: "A sample token using PumpFundler SDK",
    file: new Blob(["dummy image data"]),
    twitter: "",
    telegram: "",
    website: ""

  // Set up transaction parameters
  const buyAmountSol = BigInt(5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); // 5 SOL total initial buy
  const slippageBasisPoints = 300n; // 3% slippage tolerance
  const priorityFees = { unitLimit: 1_000_000, unitPrice: 1 }; // Optional priority fees

  // Optional Jito integration
  const jitoAuthKeypair = "your_base58_encoded_jito_auth_keypair"; // Optional
  const jitoFee = 10000; // Optional, in lamports

  try {
    const result = await sdk.createAndBuy(
      "confirmed", // commitment
      "finalized", // finality
      jitoAuthKeypair, // Optional: Remove if not using Jito
      jitoFee // Optional: Remove if not using Jito

    console.log("Token creation and initial buy result:", result);
    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error creating token with initial buyers:", error);
    throw error;

2. Advanced Buying Operation

This example shows an advanced buying operation with full parameter usage:

import { Keypair, PublicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { PumpFundlerSDK } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function advancedBuyOperation(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, mintAddress: string) {
  const buyer = Keypair.generate(); // Use proper key management in production
  const mint = new PublicKey(mintAddress);
  const buyAmountSol = BigInt(2 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); // 2 SOL
  const slippageBasisPoints = 500n; // 5% slippage tolerance
  const priorityFees = { unitLimit: 1_200_000, unitPrice: 2 };

  // Optional Jito parameters
  const jitoAuthKeypair = "your_base58_encoded_jito_auth_keypair"; // Optional
  const jitoFee = 15000; // Optional, in lamports

  try {
    const result = await
      "confirmed", // commitment
      "finalized", // finality
      jitoAuthKeypair, // Optional: Remove if not using Jito
      jitoFee // Optional: Remove if not using Jito

    console.log("Advanced buy operation result:", result);
    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error in advanced buy operation:", error);
    throw error;

3. Complex Selling Scenario

This example demonstrates a complex selling scenario with bonding curve interaction:

import { Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { PumpFundlerSDK } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function complexSellScenario(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, mintAddress: string) {
  const seller = Keypair.generate(); // Use proper key management in production
  const mint = new PublicKey(mintAddress);

  try {
    // Fetch bonding curve account to determine optimal sell amount
    const bondingCurveAccount = await sdk.getBondingCurveAccount(mint);
    if (!bondingCurveAccount) {
      throw new Error("Bonding curve account not found");

    // Calculate optimal sell amount based on current market conditions
    const currentMarketCap = bondingCurveAccount.getMarketCapSOL();
    const optimalSellAmount = currentMarketCap / BigInt(100); // Example: Sell 1% of market cap

    const slippageBasisPoints = 700n; // 7% slippage tolerance for larger sale
    const priorityFees = { unitLimit: 1_500_000, unitPrice: 3 };

    // Optional Jito parameters
    const jitoAuthKeypair = "your_base58_encoded_jito_auth_keypair"; // Optional
    const jitoFee = 20000; // Optional, in lamports

    const result = await sdk.sell(
      "confirmed", // commitment
      "finalized", // finality
      jitoAuthKeypair, // Optional: Remove if not using Jito
      jitoFee // Optional: Remove if not using Jito

    console.log("Complex sell scenario result:", result);
    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error in complex sell scenario:", error);
    throw error;

4. Advanced Event Handling

This example showcases advanced event handling with multiple event types:

import { PumpFundlerSDK, PumpFunEventType } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

function setupAdvancedEventHandling(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK) {
  const eventTypes: PumpFunEventType[] = ["createEvent", "tradeEvent", "completeEvent", "setParamsEvent"];
  const eventListeners: number[] = [];

  eventTypes.forEach(eventType => {
    const listenerId = sdk.addEventListener(eventType, (event, slot, signature) => {
      console.log(`Event Type: ${eventType}`);
      console.log(`Slot: ${slot}`);
      console.log(`Signature: ${signature}`);
      console.log("Event Data:", event);

      // Implement specific logic based on event type
      switch (eventType) {
        case "createEvent":
          // Handle token creation event
        case "tradeEvent":
          // Handle trade event, potentially updating UI or triggering notifications
        case "completeEvent":
          // Handle completion event, possibly finalizing processes
        case "setParamsEvent":
          // Handle parameter changes, maybe updating local state

  // Return a function to remove all event listeners
  return () => {
    eventListeners.forEach(id => sdk.removeEventListener(id));

5. Comprehensive Bonding Curve Analysis

This example provides a comprehensive analysis of a token’s bonding curve:

import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { PumpFundlerSDK, BondingCurveAccount, GlobalAccount } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function analyzeBondingCurve(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, mintAddress: string) {
  const mint = new PublicKey(mintAddress);

  try {
    const bondingCurveAccount = await sdk.getBondingCurveAccount(mint);
    if (!bondingCurveAccount) {
      throw new Error("Bonding curve account not found");

    const globalAccount = await sdk.getGlobalAccount();

    console.log("Bonding Curve Analysis:");
    console.log(`Virtual Token Reserves: ${bondingCurveAccount.virtualTokenReserves}`);
    console.log(`Virtual SOL Reserves: ${bondingCurveAccount.virtualSolReserves}`);
    console.log(`Real Token Reserves: ${bondingCurveAccount.realTokenReserves}`);
    console.log(`Real SOL Reserves: ${bondingCurveAccount.realSolReserves}`);
    console.log(`Token Total Supply: ${bondingCurveAccount.tokenTotalSupply}`);
    console.log(`Is Complete: ${bondingCurveAccount.complete}`);

    const marketCapSOL = bondingCurveAccount.getMarketCapSOL();
    console.log(`Current Market Cap (SOL): ${marketCapSOL}`);

    const buyPrice1Token = bondingCurveAccount.getBuyPrice(BigInt(1_000_000)); // Assuming 6 decimals
    console.log(`Buy Price for 1 Token: ${buyPrice1Token} lamports`);

    const sellPrice1Token = bondingCurveAccount.getSellPrice(BigInt(1_000_000), globalAccount.feeBasisPoints);
    console.log(`Sell Price for 1 Token: ${sellPrice1Token} lamports`);

    const finalMarketCap = bondingCurveAccount.getFinalMarketCapSOL(globalAccount.feeBasisPoints);
    console.log(`Estimated Final Market Cap (SOL): ${finalMarketCap}`);

    return {
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error analyzing bonding curve:", error);
    throw error;

Advanced Configuration Considerations

Optimizing RPC Node Selection

For high-performance applications, consider implementing a multi-node strategy:

import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

const rpcNodes = [
  // Add more RPC nodes as needed

function getOptimalRpcNode(): string {
  // Implement logic to select the best RPC node based on latency, uptime, etc.
  return rpcNodes[Math.floor(Math.random() * rpcNodes.length)]; // Simple random selection for demonstration

const connection = new Connection(getOptimalRpcNode(), "confirmed");

Dynamic Commitment Level Adjustment

Implement a strategy to dynamically adjust commitment levels based on transaction importance:

import { Commitment } from "@solana/web3.js";

function getCommitmentLevel(transactionValue: number): Commitment {
  if (transactionValue > 1000) return "finalized";
  if (transactionValue > 100) return "confirmed";
  return "processed";

// Usage in a buy transaction
const buyAmountSol = BigInt(5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL);
const commitmentLevel = getCommitmentLevel(Number(buyAmountSol));

const result = await
  500n, // slippageBasisPoints
  undefined, // priorityFees

Security Best Practices

  1. Secure Key Management: Implement a secure key management system, potentially using hardware security modules (HSMs) for critical operations.

  2. Rate Limiting and Abuse Prevention: Implement rate limiting on your server to prevent API abuse:

    import rateLimit from 'express-rate-limit';
    const apiLimiter = rateLimit({
      windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
      max: 100 // limit each IP to 100 requests per windowMs
    app.use('/api/', apiLimiter);
  3. Input Validation: Implement thorough input validation for all user-supplied data:

    import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
    function validateMintAddress(mintAddress: string): boolean {
      try {
        new PublicKey(mintAddress);
        return true;
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Invalid mint address:", error);
        return false;
    // Usage
    const mintAddress = "user_supplied_mint_address";
    if (validateMintAddress(mintAddress)) {
      // Proceed with operation
    } else {
      throw new Error("Invalid mint address provided");
  4. Error Handling and Logging: Implement comprehensive error handling and logging:

    import { Logger } from "your-preferred-logging-library";
    const logger = new Logger();
    try {
      const result = await* ... */);"Buy transaction successful", { result });
    } catch (error) {
      logger.error("Buy transaction failed", { error, stack: error.stack });
      // Handle error appropriately

Performance Optimization

  1. Batch Processing: For multiple operations, use batch processing to reduce network overhead:

    async function batchBuyOperations(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, buyers: Keypair[], mint: PublicKey, amounts: bigint[]) {
      const transactions = await Promise.all(, index) => 
          sdk.getBuyInstructionsBySolAmount(buyer.publicKey, mint, amounts[index])
      // Combine transactions into a single batch
      const batchedTx = await sdk.createBatchedTransaction(transactions);
      return await sdk.sendAndConfirmTransaction(batchedTx);
  2. Caching: Implement caching for frequently accessed data:

    import NodeCache from "node-cache";
    const cache = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 600 }); // Cache for 10 minutes
    async function getCachedBondingCurveAccount(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, mint: PublicKey) {
      const cacheKey = `bonding_curve_${mint.toBase58()}`;
      let bondingCurveAccount = cache.get(cacheKey);
      if (!bondingCurveAccount) {
        bondingCurveAccount = await sdk.getBondingCurveAccount(mint);
        cache.set(cacheKey, bondingCurveAccount);
      return bondingCurveAccount;

Next Steps

Now that you’ve configured the PumpFundler SDK and explored its core and advanced features, consider the following next steps: