This guide demonstrates how to create a new token and execute bundled buy transactions with multiple buyers using the PumpFundler SDK. We’ll focus on the advanced createAndBuy method, which allows for efficient token creation and immediate buying in a bundled transaction.


Before proceeding, ensure you have:

  1. Installed the PumpFundler SDK
  2. A funded Solana wallet
  3. Necessary permissions for token creation and buying

Setting Up the SDK

First, let’s set up the SDK with the correct configuration:

import { PumpFundlerSDK, PumpFundlerConfig, CreateTokenMetadata } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";

// Initialize connection and wallet

const connection = new Connection("", "confirmed");

const wallet = new Wallet(Keypair.generate());

// Configure SDK

const config: PumpFundlerConfig = {


  commitmentLevel: "confirmed",

  blockEngineUrl: "", // Optional: Remove if not using Jito


const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, {});

const sdk = new PumpFundlerSDK(provider, config);

Preparing for Token Creation and Buying

Now, let’s prepare the necessary components for creating a token and executing buy transactions:

// Generate keypairs for token creator and mint

  const privateKey = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE";

  const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'));

  const creator = new Wallet(keypair);

  const mint = Keypair.generate();

// Prepare token metadata

const metadata: CreateTokenMetadata = {

  name: "PumpFundler Token",

  symbol: "PFDLR",

  description: "A sample token using PumpFundler SDK",

  file: new Blob(["dummy image data"]),

  twitter: "",

  telegram: "",

  website: ""


// SECURITY WARNING: Never expose private keys in production code

const localPrivateKeys = [







const buyers = => 

  Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'))


// Set up buy parameters

const buyAmountSol = BigInt(1_000_000_000); // 1 SOL

const slippageBasisPoints = 300n; // 3% slippage tolerance

// Optional Jito parameters

const jitoAuthKeypair = "your-jito-auth-keypair-base58-encoded"; // Optional: Remove if not using Jito

const jitoFee = 1000000; // 0.001 SOL, Optional: Remove if not using Jito

Executing createAndBuy

Now, let’s use the createAndBuy method to create the token and execute buy transactions for multiple buyers:

async function createTokenAndExecuteBundledBuys() {

  try {

    const result = await sdk.createAndBuy(







      undefined, // priority fees (optional)

      "confirmed", // commitment

      "finalized", // finality

      jitoAuthKeypair, // optional: remove this and jitoFee to disable Jito

      jitoFee // optional: remove this to disable Jito


    if (result.confirmed) {

      console.log("Token created and buy transactions executed successfully");

      console.log("Jito transaction signature:", result.jitoTxsignature);

    } else {

      console.error("Failed to create token and execute buy transactions");


  } catch (error) {

    console.error("Error in createAndBuy process:", error);




Understanding the Bundling Process

The createAndBuy method internally handles the bundling of transactions:

  1. It creates a token creation transaction.
  2. It generates buy transactions for each buyer with slightly randomized amounts.
  3. All transactions are bundled and sent using Jito integration for MEV protection (if enabled).
  4. A retry mechanism ensures the bundle is confirmed.

Advanced Considerations

Transaction Size Limits

Be aware of Solana’s transaction size limits when bundling:


// Implement logic to split transactions into multiple bundles if needed

Error Handling for Individual Transactions

Implement error handling for individual transactions within the bundle:

async function handleIndividualTransactions(transactions: VersionedTransaction[]) {

  for (let i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {

    try {

      await connection.simulateTransaction(transactions[i]);

    } catch (error) {

      console.error(`Error in transaction ${i}:`, error);

      // Handle or log the error, but don't throw




Monitoring Bundle Progress

Implement a monitoring system for bundled transactions:

class BundleMonitor {

  private totalTransactions: number;

  private confirmedTransactions: number = 0;

  constructor(totalTransactions: number) {

    this.totalTransactions = totalTransactions;


  updateProgress(confirmedTransactions: number) {

    this.confirmedTransactions = confirmedTransactions;

    const progress = (this.confirmedTransactions / this.totalTransactions) * 100;

    console.log(`Bundle progress: ${progress.toFixed(2)}%`);



// Usage

const monitor = new BundleMonitor(1 + buyers.length);

// Update monitor in the confirmation loop

Best Practices

  1. Simulate Before Bundling:
async function simulateAllTransactions(createTx: Transaction, buyTxs: Transaction[]) {

  await connection.simulateTransaction(createTx);

  for (const buyTx of buyTxs) {

    await connection.simulateTransaction(buyTx);


  1. Dynamic Fee Adjustment:
async function getOptimalJitoFee(connection: Connection): Promise<number> {

  const recentPerformance = await connection.getRecentPerformanceSamples(10);

  const avgTps = recentPerformance.reduce((sum, sample) => sum + sample.numTransactions, 0) / recentPerformance.length;

  return Math.max(1000000, Math.floor(avgTps * 100)); // Minimum 0.001 SOL, scales with TPS

  1. Graceful Degradation:
async function createAndBuyWithFallback(/* params */) {

  try {

    return await sdk.createAndBuy(/* params */);

  } catch (error) {

    console.warn("Bundled transaction failed, falling back to individual transactions");

    const createResult = await sdk.createToken(/* params */);

    const buyResults = await Promise.all( =>* params */)));

    return { createResult, buyResults };


  1. Event Emission for Bundle Steps:
class BundleStepEvent extends Event {

  constructor(public step: string, public details: any) {




// Usage

dispatchEvent(new BundleStepEvent('tokenCreated', { mint: mint.publicKey.toBase58() }));

dispatchEvent(new BundleStepEvent('buyExecuted', { buyer: buyer.publicKey.toBase58(), amount: buyAmount }));


This guide demonstrates advanced usage of the PumpFundler SDK for token creation and bundled buying. By leveraging the createAndBuy method and implementing best practices, you can efficiently create tokens and execute multiple buy transactions in a single operation. Remember to handle errors gracefully, monitor transaction progress, and consider network conditions for optimal performance.

Always ensure you’re using the latest version of the PumpFundler SDK and follow best security practices when handling private keys and sensitive information.