This guide provides in-depth examples and usage patterns for the PumpFundler SDK, demonstrating advanced features and best practices.

Installation and Setup

First, install the PumpFundler SDK and its dependencies:

npm install pumpfundler-sdk @solana/web3.js @coral-xyz/anchor

Now, let’s set up the SDK with a basic configuration:

import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";

import { PumpFundlerSDK, PumpFundlerConfig } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

// Initialize connection to Solana network

const connection = new Connection("");

// Create a wallet from a private key

const privateKey = "your_private_key_here"; // Replace with actual private key

const wallet = new Wallet(Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'base64')));

// Configure the SDK

const config: PumpFundlerConfig = {


  commitmentLevel: "confirmed",

  blockEngineUrl: "",


// Create the provider and SDK instance

const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, {});

const sdk = new PumpFundlerSDK(provider, config);

console.log("PumpFundler SDK initialized successfully");

Token Creation and Initial Buy

Let’s create a new token and execute initial buy orders:

import { Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { PumpFundlerSDK, CreateTokenMetadata } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function createAndBuyToken(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK) {

  const creator = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from("creator_private_key_base64", "base64"));

  const mint = Keypair.generate();


  const buyers = [

    Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from("buyer1_private_key_base64", "base64")),

    Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from("buyer2_private_key_base64", "base64")),

    Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from("buyer3_private_key_base64", "base64")),


  const metadata: CreateTokenMetadata = {

    name: "PumpFundler Token",

    symbol: "PFDLR",

    description: "A sample token using PumpFundler SDK",

    file: new Blob(["dummy image data"]),

    twitter: "",

    telegram: "",

    website: ""


  const buyAmountSol = BigInt(5_000_000_000); // 5 SOL total

  const slippageBasisPoints = 300n; // 3% slippage tolerance

  try {

    const result = await sdk.createAndBuy(








    console.log("Token creation and initial buy result:", result);

    // Execute additional buy orders

    for (const buyer of buyers) {

      const buyResult = await



        BigInt(1_000_000_000), // 1 SOL per buyer

        200n // 2% slippage for individual buys


      console.log(`Additional buy result for ${buyer.publicKey.toBase58()}:`, buyResult);


  } catch (error) {

    console.error("Error in create and buy process:", error);



// Usage


Buying Tokens

Example of buying tokens using the SDK:

import { Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { PumpFundlerSDK } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function buyTokens(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, mintAddress: string, amount: number) {

  const buyer = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from("buyer_private_key_base64", "base64"));

  const mint = new PublicKey(mintAddress);

  const buyAmountSol = BigInt(amount * 1e9); // Convert SOL to lamports

  const slippageBasisPoints = 200n; // 2% slippage tolerance

  try {

    const result = await






    console.log("Buy result:", result);

    return result;

  } catch (error) {

    console.error("Error buying tokens:", error);

    throw error;



// Usage

const mintAddress = "your_token_mint_address";

const amountToBuy = 1; // 1 SOL

buyTokens(sdk, mintAddress, amountToBuy).catch(console.error);

Selling Tokens

Example of selling tokens using the SDK:

import { Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { PumpFundlerSDK } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function sellTokens(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, mintAddress: string, amount: number) {

  const seller = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from("seller_private_key_base64", "base64"));

  const mint = new PublicKey(mintAddress);

  const sellTokenAmount = BigInt(amount * 1e6); // Assuming 6 decimal places for the token

  const slippageBasisPoints = 200n; // 2% slippage tolerance

  try {

    const result = await sdk.sell(






    console.log("Sell result:", result);

    return result;

  } catch (error) {

    console.error("Error selling tokens:", error);

    throw error;



// Usage

const mintAddress = "your_token_mint_address";

const amountToSell = 1000; // 1000 tokens

sellTokens(sdk, mintAddress, amountToSell).catch(console.error);

Working with Bonding Curves

Analyze and interact with bonding curves:

import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { PumpFundlerSDK } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function analyzeBondingCurve(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, mintAddress: string) {

  const mint = new PublicKey(mintAddress);

  const bondingCurveAccount = await sdk.getBondingCurveAccount(mint);

  if (!bondingCurveAccount) {

    console.error("Bonding curve not found");



  const globalAccount = await sdk.getGlobalAccount();

  console.log("Virtual Token Reserves:", bondingCurveAccount.virtualTokenReserves.toString());

  console.log("Virtual SOL Reserves:", bondingCurveAccount.virtualSolReserves.toString());

  console.log("Real Token Reserves:", bondingCurveAccount.realTokenReserves.toString());

  console.log("Real SOL Reserves:", bondingCurveAccount.realSolReserves.toString());

  const buyAmount = BigInt(1e9); // 1 SOL

  const buyPrice = bondingCurveAccount.getBuyPrice(buyAmount);

  console.log(`Buy Price for 1 SOL: ${buyPrice} tokens`);

  const sellAmount = BigInt(1e6); // 1 million tokens

  const sellPrice = bondingCurveAccount.getSellPrice(sellAmount, globalAccount.feeBasisPoints);

  console.log(`Sell Price for 1M tokens: ${sellPrice} lamports`);

  const marketCap = bondingCurveAccount.getMarketCapSOL();

  console.log("Market Cap in SOL:", marketCap.toString());

  const finalMarketCap = bondingCurveAccount.getFinalMarketCapSOL(globalAccount.feeBasisPoints);

  console.log("Final Market Cap in SOL:", finalMarketCap.toString());


// Usage

const mintAddress = "your_token_mint_address";

analyzeBondingCurve(sdk, mintAddress).catch(console.error);

Advanced AMM Operations

Utilize the AMM (Automated Market Maker) functionality for complex trading scenarios:

import { AMM, PumpFundlerSDK } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

async function performAdvancedAMMOperations(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK) {

  const globalAccount = await sdk.getGlobalAccount();

  const amm = AMM.fromGlobalAccount(globalAccount);

  // Simulate a large buy

  const buyTokens = BigInt(1_000_000_000); // 1 billion tokens

  const buyPrice = amm.getBuyPrice(buyTokens);

  console.log(`Buy price for ${buyTokens} tokens: ${buyPrice} lamports`);

  const buyResult = amm.applyBuy(buyTokens);

  console.log("Buy simulation result:", buyResult);

  // Simulate a large sell

  const sellTokens = BigInt(500_000_000); // 500 million tokens

  const sellPrice = amm.getSellPrice(sellTokens);

  console.log(`Sell price for ${sellTokens} tokens: ${sellPrice} lamports`);

  const sellResult = amm.applySell(sellTokens);

  console.log("Sell simulation result:", sellResult);

  // Analyze AMM state after operations

  console.log("AMM State after operations:");

  console.log("Virtual SOL Reserves:", amm.virtualSolReserves.toString());

  console.log("Virtual Token Reserves:", amm.virtualTokenReserves.toString());

  console.log("Real SOL Reserves:", amm.realSolReserves.toString());

  console.log("Real Token Reserves:", amm.realTokenReserves.toString());


// Usage


Event Handling

Set up event listeners for real-time updates:

import { PumpFundlerSDK } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

function setupEventListeners(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK) {

  // Listen for new token creation events

  const createEventListener = sdk.addEventListener("createEvent", (event, slot, signature) => {

    console.log("New token created:",, "at slot", slot, "with signature", signature);


  // Listen for trade events

  const tradeEventListener = sdk.addEventListener("tradeEvent", (event, slot, signature) => {


      `Trade event: ${event.isBuy ? "Buy" : "Sell"} of ${event.tokenAmount} tokens`,

      `for ${event.solAmount} SOL at slot ${slot}`



  // Listen for completion events

  const completeEventListener = sdk.addEventListener("completeEvent", (event, slot, signature) => {

    console.log("Token sale completed for mint:",, "at slot", slot);


  // Listen for parameter change events

  const setParamsEventListener = sdk.addEventListener("setParamsEvent", (event, slot, signature) => {

    console.log("Global parameters updated at slot", slot, "New fee basis points:", event.feeBasisPoints.toString());


  // Return function to remove event listeners

  return () => {







// Usage

const removeListeners = setupEventListeners(sdk);

// Call removeListeners() when you want to stop listening to events

Error Handling and Recovery

Implement robust error handling for your PumpFundler-based applications:

import { PumpFundlerSDK, TransactionResult } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

import { Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

async function robustBuyOperation(sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, buyer: Keypair, mint: PublicKey, amount: bigint): Promise<TransactionResult> {

  const maxRetries = 3;

  let retries = 0;

  while (retries < maxRetries) {

    try {

      const result = await, mint, amount, 500n); // 5% slippage

      if (result.success) {

        console.log("Buy operation successful:", result.signature);

        return result;

      } else {

        console.warn("Buy operation failed, retrying...");



    } catch (error) {

      console.error("Error during buy operation:", error);

      if (error.message.includes("insufficient funds")) {

        console.error("Insufficient funds, aborting retry");

        return { success: false, error: "Insufficient funds" };




    // Exponential backoff

    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000 * Math.pow(2, retries)));


  console.error("Max retries reached, buy operation failed");

  return { success: false, error: "Max retries reached" };


// Usage

const buyer = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from("buyer_private_key_base64", "base64"));

const mintPublicKey = new PublicKey("token_mint_address");

const buyAmount = BigInt(1_000_000_000); // 1 SOL

robustBuyOperation(sdk, buyer, mintPublicKey, buyAmount)

  .then(result => console.log("Final result:", result))


Advanced Integrations

1. Integrating with External Price Oracles

Enhance your application by integrating with external price oracles for more accurate token valuations:

import { PythConnection, getPythProgramKeyForCluster } from "@pythnetwork/client";

import { Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

async function getExternalPriceData(connection: Connection, productAddress: string) {

  const pythProgramKey = getPythProgramKeyForCluster("mainnet-beta");

  const pythConnection = new PythConnection(connection, pythProgramKey);

  await pythConnection.onPriceChange(new PublicKey(productAddress), (productPrice) => {

    console.log(`${productPrice.productAccount.product.symbol}: $${productPrice.price}`);



// Usage

const solUsdProductAddress = "H6ARHf6YXhGYeQfUzQNGk6rDNnLBQKrenN712K4AQJEG";

getExternalPriceData(connection, solUsdProductAddress);

2. Implementing a Trading Bot

Create a simple trading bot that uses the PumpFundlerSDK:

import { PumpFundlerSDK, BondingCurveAccount } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

import { PublicKey, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

class TradingBot {

  constructor(private sdk: PumpFundlerSDK, private mint: PublicKey, private trader: Keypair) {}

  async monitorAndTrade() {

    let lastPrice: bigint | null = null;

    setInterval(async () => {

      try {

        const bondingCurve = await this.sdk.getBondingCurveAccount(;

        if (!bondingCurve) throw new Error("Bonding curve not found");

        const currentPrice = bondingCurve.getBuyPrice(BigInt(1_000_000)); // Price for 1 token

        if (lastPrice === null) {

          lastPrice = currentPrice;



        const priceChange = (Number(currentPrice) - Number(lastPrice)) / Number(lastPrice);

        if (priceChange > 0.05) { // 5% price increase

          await this.executeSell(bondingCurve);

        } else if (priceChange < -0.05) { // 5% price decrease

          await this.executeBuy(bondingCurve);


        lastPrice = currentPrice;

      } catch (error) {

        console.error("Error in trading bot:", error);


    }, 60000); // Check every minute


  private async executeBuy(bondingCurve: BondingCurveAccount) {

    const buyAmount = bondingCurve.getMarketCapSOL() / BigInt(1000); // Buy 0.1% of market cap

    await,, buyAmount);

    console.log(`Executed buy of ${buyAmount} lamports`);


  private async executeSell(bondingCurve: BondingCurveAccount) {

    const sellAmount = bondingCurve.realTokenReserves / BigInt(1000); // Sell 0.1% of real token reserves

    await this.sdk.sell(this.trader,, sellAmount);

    console.log(`Executed sell of ${sellAmount} tokens`);



// Usage

const tradingBot = new TradingBot(sdk, new PublicKey("your_token_mint"), traderKeypair);


Full Node.js Example

Here’s a complete Node.js example that demonstrates how to use the PumpFundler SDK:

import { Connection, Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";

import { PumpFundlerSDK, PumpFundlerConfig, CreateTokenMetadata } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

// Note: Using hardcoded private keys is not secure for production use

const CREATOR_PRIVATE_KEY = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef";







async function main() {

  const connection = new Connection("");

  const creator = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(CREATOR_PRIVATE_KEY, 'hex'));

  const buyers = => Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(key, 'hex')));

  const config: PumpFundlerConfig = {


    commitmentLevel: "confirmed",

    blockEngineUrl: "",


  const wallet = new Wallet(creator);

  const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, {});

  const sdk = new PumpFundlerSDK(provider, config);

  const mint = Keypair.generate();


  const metadata: CreateTokenMetadata = {

    name: "PumpFundler Token",

    symbol: "PFDLR",

    description: "A sample token using PumpFundler SDK",

    file: new Blob(["dummy image data"]),

    twitter: "",

    telegram: "",

    website: ""


  const buyAmountSol = BigInt(5_000_000_000); // 5 SOL total

  const slippageBasisPoints = 300n; // 3% slippage tolerance

  try {

    const result = await sdk.createAndBuy(








    console.log("Token creation and initial buy result:", result);

    // Execute additional buy orders

    for (const buyer of buyers) {

      const buyResult = await



        BigInt(1_000_000_000), // 1 SOL per buyer

        200n // 2% slippage for individual buys


      console.log(`Additional buy result for ${buyer.publicKey.toBase58()}:`, buyResult);


    // Set up event listeners

    sdk.addEventListener("createEvent", (event, slot, signature) => {

      console.log("New token created:",, "at slot", slot, "with signature", signature);


    sdk.addEventListener("tradeEvent", (event, slot, signature) => {


        `Trade event: ${event.isBuy ? "Buy" : "Sell"} of ${event.tokenAmount} tokens`,

        `for ${event.solAmount} SOL at slot ${slot}`



  } catch (error) {

    console.error("Error in create and buy process:", error);




Remember that this example uses hardcoded private keys for demonstration purposes. In a real application, you should never expose private keys in your frontend code. Instead, use secure key management solutions and handle sensitive operations on a secure backend.

React Integration Example

Here’s an example of how to integrate the PumpFundler SDK into a React component:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";

import { PumpFundlerSDK, PumpFundlerConfig, CreateTokenMetadata } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

const CreateAndBuyWithLocalWallets: React.FC = () => {

  const [result, setResult] = useState<string>('');

  const createAndBuy = async () => {

    try {

      // Set up connection and SDK

      const connection = new Connection("");

      const privateKey = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef";

      const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'));

      const wallet = new Wallet(keypair);


      const config: PumpFundlerConfig = {


        commitmentLevel: "confirmed",

        blockEngineUrl: "",


      const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, {});

      const sdk = new PumpFundlerSDK(provider, config);

      // Set up local wallets

      const localPrivateKeys = [







      const localWallets = => 

        Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'))


      const metadata: CreateTokenMetadata = {

        name: "PumpFundler Token",

        symbol: "PFDLR",

        description: "A sample token using PumpFundler SDK",

        file: new Blob(["dummy image data"]),

        twitter: "",

        telegram: "",

        website: ""


      const creator = localWallets[0];

      const mint = Keypair.generate();

      const buyers = localWallets.slice(1);

      const buyAmountSol = BigInt(1_000_000_000); // 1 SOL per buyer

      const result = await sdk.createAndBuy(





        buyAmountSol * BigInt(buyers.length),

        300n // 3% slippage


      setResult(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

    } catch (error) {

      console.error("Error in create and buy process:", error);

      setResult(`Error: ${error.message}`);



  return (


      <h1>Create and Buy with Local Wallets</h1>

      <button onClick={createAndBuy}>Create and Buy Token</button>





export default CreateAndBuyWithLocalWallets;

This React component demonstrates how to integrate the PumpFundler SDK into a web application. It sets up the SDK, creates a token, and executes buy orders with multiple wallets. The result of the operation is displayed on the page.

Important Security Notes

The examples provided use hardcoded private keys and direct keypair manipulation for demonstration purposes. This approach is not secure for production use and should only be used for development and testing.

In a production environment:

  • Never expose private keys in your code or commit them to version control
  • Use secure key management solutions
  • Consider using hardware wallets or other secure signing methods
  • Implement proper authentication and authorization mechanisms