Bonding Curve Account

The Bonding Curve Account is a fundamental concept in the PumpFun protocol. It represents the state of a token’s bonding curve, which determines the pricing dynamics of the token.


The BondingCurveAccount class has the following properties:

class BondingCurveAccount {

  public discriminator: bigint;

  public virtualTokenReserves: bigint;

  public virtualSolReserves: bigint;

  public realTokenReserves: bigint;

  public realSolReserves: bigint;

  public tokenTotalSupply: bigint;

  public complete: boolean;

  // ... methods ...

  • discriminator: A unique identifier for the account type
  • virtualTokenReserves: The virtual token balance used for price calculations
  • virtualSolReserves: The virtual SOL balance used for price calculations
  • realTokenReserves: The actual token balance in the bonding curve
  • realSolReserves: The actual SOL balance in the bonding curve
  • tokenTotalSupply: The total supply of tokens
  • complete: A flag indicating if the bonding curve is complete (all tokens sold)

Key Methods


getBuyPrice(amount: bigint): bigint

Calculates the price in SOL for buying a specific amount of tokens. This method:

  1. Checks if the curve is complete
  2. Calculates the new virtual reserves after the purchase
  3. Determines the amount of tokens to be purchased
  4. Returns the minimum of the calculated tokens and real token reserves


getSellPrice(amount: bigint, feeBasisPoints: bigint): bigint

Calculates the amount of SOL received for selling a specific amount of tokens. This method:

  1. Checks if the curve is complete
  2. Calculates the proportional amount of virtual SOL reserves to be received
  3. Applies the fee based on the provided fee basis points
  4. Returns the net amount after deducting the fee


getMarketCapSOL(): bigint

Calculates the current market cap of the token in SOL. This is done by:

  1. Checking if there are any virtual token reserves
  2. Calculating the market cap based on the total supply and virtual reserves ratio


getFinalMarketCapSOL(feeBasisPoints: bigint): bigint

Estimates the final market cap of the token in SOL when all tokens are sold. This method:

  1. Calculates the total sell value of remaining real token reserves
  2. Determines the total virtual value and remaining virtual tokens
  3. Computes the final market cap based on these values


getBuyOutPrice(amount: bigint, feeBasisPoints: bigint): bigint

Calculates the price to buy out a specific amount of tokens from the bonding curve. This method:

  1. Determines the amount of SOL tokens to use in the calculation
  2. Calculates the total sell value based on the virtual reserves
  3. Applies the fee based on the provided fee basis points
  4. Returns the total buyout price

Creating a BondingCurveAccount

The BondingCurveAccount can be created from a buffer, typically obtained from on-chain data:

static fromBuffer(buffer: Buffer): BondingCurveAccount

This static method:

  1. Defines the structure of the account data
  2. Decodes the buffer into a JavaScript object
  3. Creates and returns a new BondingCurveAccount instance with the decoded data

Usage in the SDK

The BondingCurveAccount is primarily used in the PumpFundler SDK for:

  1. Calculating buy and sell prices for tokens
  2. Determining the current and projected market cap of tokens
  3. Managing the state of individual token bonding curves

When interacting with the PumpFun protocol, you’ll often work with BondingCurveAccount instances to make informed decisions about trading and to understand the current state of a token’s bonding curve.

Example: Fetching and Using a Bonding Curve Account

Here’s an example of how to fetch and use a BondingCurveAccount in the PumpFundler SDK:

import { PumpFundlerSDK, BondingCurveAccount } from "pumpfundler-sdk";

import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

// Assume 'sdk' is an initialized PumpFundlerSDK instance

const mint = new PublicKey("..."); // The token's mint address

async function analyzeBondingCurve() {

  const bondingCurveAccount = await sdk.getBondingCurveAccount(mint);


  if (bondingCurveAccount) {

    console.log("Virtual Token Reserves:", bondingCurveAccount.virtualTokenReserves.toString());

    console.log("Virtual SOL Reserves:", bondingCurveAccount.virtualSolReserves.toString());


    const buyAmount = 1000000n; // 1 token with 6 decimals

    const buyPrice = bondingCurveAccount.getBuyPrice(buyAmount);

    console.log("Price to buy 1 token:", buyPrice.toString());


    const currentMarketCap = bondingCurveAccount.getMarketCapSOL();

    console.log("Current Market Cap (SOL):", currentMarketCap.toString());


    const finalMarketCap = bondingCurveAccount.getFinalMarketCapSOL(30n); // 0.3% fee

    console.log("Projected Final Market Cap (SOL):", finalMarketCap.toString());

  } else {

    console.log("Bonding curve account not found for the given mint.");




This example demonstrates how to fetch a BondingCurveAccount, analyze its current state, and use its methods to calculate important metrics like buy price and market cap.